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Song Catalog

Song Labs song catalog is for writers to make their songs available and for artist to discover them.

Writers Services

Joining Song Lab gives you access to service discounts, marketing opportunities and a community that cares about you and your songs.

Demo My Song

Here at Song Lab we work with the best producers, arrangers and musicians to provide you a top shelf studio experience.

Frequently Asked Questions
For Artists

If I buy/lease the song do I own it?

No, the writer obtains 100% ownership off their songs.

What can I do with the song?

You have permission to perform and record your rendition of the song. See leasing options.

What are my leasing options?

Leasing options give you the artist permision to perform and record your rendition of the song.

  • Standard Lease:
    Provides you with a demonstration of the song and the backing track.
  • Exclusive Lease:
    • You the artist have excluse rights for a term for the song you leased. The song is removed from the Song Lab catalog so no future artist can use the song for the lease term. 3 Months – 6 Months and 1 Year.

What changes can I make to the song?

Yes, but with limitations. You can not change the lyrics to the song but you are free to change the style, genre and overall sound of the song.

Who owns the copyright of the music?

Every song in the catalog lists the copyright owner of the music. You do have permission to use and record your version of the song. But, you do not have permission to sell just track that you lease from Song Lab. 

What are Multi-tracks?

Multi-tracks are the individual audio session files. For a fee we provide with with the (stems) multi-tracks and you are free to remix, edit and record your own version of the song.

Can I get the song in a different key?

Possibly. That depends on what key the song is currently in and what key you need it transposed to. If you find a song and need it in a different key please reach out to us and we will see what we can do.

How long can I use the song?

After leasing you have permission to use and sell your rendition of the song forever.

Can Song Lab re-record me a new track?

Yes, We can record you a new track and give you a custom sound at your request.
Check out our Services Page for more details.

Can I sell my version of the song? and How?

Yes, you can sell your version of the song. You can can sell physical cds as well as through all the major digitial distribution platforms like spotify, apple music, amazon, itunes etc… 
You are still responsible to pay publishing/writers royalties.

How do I pay royalties to the writers/publishers?

After leasing a song from Song Lab we provide you all the information for paying the royalties to the publishers and/or writers.

Frequently Asked Questions
For Writers

What does joing Song Lab Pro mean?

Joing Song Lab pro gives you access to professional creative services to showcase, market and create your songs.

How much does it cost to join?

Joining is free! So it cost you nothing to join and receive all the perks of being a member of this growing community.
There is a fee for uploading your songs to the song catalog. You can choose to upload by the song or pick one of our writer packages.

What are the requirements to uploads a song to Song Lab?

Our main goal is to provide artists with not only quality songs but to provide quality demonstration and tracks.
To upload your song to the Song Lab catalog it must be a clear, audible recording that is owned by YOU. Your song must be accompanied by and instrument. 

What do I need to send Song Lab to upload my song(s)?

Copy of the lyrics (PDF or JPEG)
Vocal demonstration MP3
Backing track if you have it
Click here to beging

How much do I earn when an artist leases on of my song?

You obtain 100% of the copyright and and artist leases your song you receive 60% of the final sale.

How much to record my demo?

Song Labs demo service is tailored to the writer. Click here for pricing and details to get started.

How do I collect my royalties?

When an artist leases your song we provide them with all the copyright information they need to pay you the writer/publisher your royalties. This can be paid directly to you or through Song Lab. Yes, you still keep 100% of the royalties.

Don’t Miss A Thing!

Artists – signup and be the first to know when a new song is in the catalog.

Song Lab

Experience Music

about Us

Founded by musicians, producers and writers for musicians, writers and artists.